Friday, June 19, 2009

Great profile

This is Rachel, who I've worked with twice now. She's a lot of fun, and always has a witty comeback. I like her strong features, so I wanted to accentuate that. She has some of the best lips I've ever seen. Also, I tried to use her hair as more of a graphic elemnet. I like the straights and the curves....and the shapes her hair creates.


  1. I love the large blocks of black vs. white. Very graphic and sharp. Beautiful Ryan!!

  2. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I don't get the first comment but it's a well design photo.

  3. Whitney, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate that.

    Anonymous, don't worry about it, I don't understand the first comment either.

  4. Kimberly9:34 AM

    i like both these shots, and i don't usually see many of your shot's in b&w. I REALLY like that in this shot though, it just works. I like the crop too! Great work :)

  5. Great shot, Ry. Love the composition and the b/w tones. Beautiful model, too.
    Now I'm waiting for the femmes fatale series.

  6. looks like an album cover. Another nice one.

  7. great work, like always.......i'm getting a d-slr soon and will ask for you expert soon.....if that's okay

  8. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I like her profile, strong features indeed.
    Good photos, Ryan.

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